Exploring how AI impacts recruitment with Samuli Salonen, Co-founder and CEO of TalentBee

In this episode, Samuli Salonen, Co-Founder and CEO at TalentBee, discusses how AI tools streamline daily recruiting tasks, enabling recruiters to engage with candidates and foster a vibrant community.

Tuomo Nevalainen
Marketing Specialist

In this Reccast episode, we dive into the deep end of insights from Samuli Salonen, the Co-Founder and CEO of a talent acquisition agency, on how AI is shaking up the recruitment industry.

Samuli’s agency, TalentBee is front and center in modernizing recruitment through technology, especially AI. Coming from a sales and marketing background, Samuli has seen the game-changing power of tech in different areas and is now applying those insights to recruitment.

Samuli points out that while working without AI is doable now, the rapid progress in the field hints that won’t be the case for long. AI is gearing up to automate routine tasks, fine-tune messaging, and handle interview notes, nudging recruiters towards more people-focused activities like engaging with candidates and fostering a community.

Samuli also spills the beans on the AI tools TalentBee uses daily to speed up work and make it more efficient. They are all about experimenting with different AI tools to optimize various recruitment stages, such as:

  • Profile definition: AI gives a hand in defining the ideal candidate profile – a step often skipped by companies.
  • Outreach: AI-powered sequencing tools make candidate outreach a breeze, similar to sales automation tools.
  • Application screening: With loads of applications, AI can sift through and spot top candidates, saving precious time.
  • Content production: Tools like Jasper.ai help in creating engaging recruitment marketing content.
  • Note-Taking: AI apps like Fireflies.ai can transcribe calls, giving out useful data for sharing and analysis

The Reccast podcast also digs deeper into:

  • how Samuli and his team test new AI tools, the process involved
  • why companies, in-house recruiters, and agencies have been slow to adopt AI in recruitment, and
  • whether recruiters will eventually be replaced by AI

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The Reccast video podcast, hosted by Jussi Luhtasela and Miikka Tuomola from Recright, covers the fascinating world of recruitment, where AI technologies are transforming traditional practices. The podcast’s episodes explore diverse aspects of AI in recruitment, featuring insights from industry experts, tech professionals, HR specialists, and recruiters. Whether discussing the ethical considerations surrounding AI or uncovering cutting-edge AI tools that streamline talent acquisition, Reccast is your go-to source for all things AI and recruitment.
