L&T, also known as Lassila & Tikanoja, is a Finnish company operating in service industry sector, aiming to convert consumer society into an efficient recycling society. Founded in the town of Vaasa in 1905, today, L&T employs 8 100 people in Finland and Sweden.


“Recruiting is largely a game of speed which you try to complete as cost-effectively as possible while maintaining the positive employer image.”

—Laura Tarvainen, Recruitment Coordinator, L&T.

L&T: Finding suitable employees faster with video interviews

Lassila & Tikanoja has utilized Recright video interview tool in several recruitments, including their recent recruitment for customer service personnel. For a company with high customer orientation it is essential to recruit skilled people.

“We have found video interviewing as a great option from both perspectives – the applicants’ and the manager’s”, says recruiting coordinator Laura Tarvainen, who helped her superiors with video interviews. She sent an invitation to a video interview to 47 applicants and received 41 replies.

“Video interviewing is especially a new method to get closer to the applicant. Now we can offer more applicants an opportunity to make an impression” says Katarina Cederlöf, head of recruiting at L&T.


“With video interviews it is possible to both swiftly get knowledge on candidates’ substance competence and in return show a glance of the company culture to the candidates.

“Recruiting is largely a game of speed which you try to complete as cost-effectively as possible while maintaining the positive employer image. With video interviews it is possible to both swiftly get knowledge on candidates’ substance competence and in return show a glance of the company culture to the candidates”, says Katarina Cederlöf.

In addition to their recent recruiment for customer service personnel, L&T has utilized Recright video interviewing tool when recruiting employees for human resources, IT and service manager positions. Also the tool has been used while hiring summer workers.

Some applicants, as well as interviewees have been nervous about the non-traditional job interview. After the interview the feedback has been positive, video interviewing saves both the recruiter’s as well as the applicant’s time and the best candidate can be found more easily.
