Stora Enso

Stora Enso is a leading global provider of renewable solutions in packaging, biomaterials, wooden construction and paper. The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, and has sales in more than 50 countries.


“Giving everyone the exact same task helped us to differentiate between the candidates and really contributed to our selection process.”

—Outi Sortino, ‎Manager, Employer Branding & Leadership Development, Stora Enso.

Stora Enso: Video interviews enhancing recruitment process

Stora Enso runs a trainee program that offers 27 positions in different locations globally. The program was advertised on Stora Enso’s dedicated trainee site and on various other recruitment media. The opportunity attracted 2700 applications by the deadline.

Recright video interview tool was used as one of the tools for selecting the 27 trainees out of the global applicant base of 2700 people.

After receiving the applications, we started a selection process that consisted of six different steps, including online testing, CV screening, video interview and a final interview. In each step the number of candidates was reduced. The video interview was used for 300 candidates. For some positions there were up to 20 candidates left, whereas for others it was significantly less.

At this point of the selection process the candidates received
– A request to solve a business case
– Invitation to a video interview

In the video interview the candidates were asked to present their business case in three minutes and to answer two additional questions related to their leadership experience and career aspirations.

“It was great to see the replies to the case study question. Giving everyone the exact same task helped us to differentiate between the candidates and really contributed to our selection process”, says Outi Sortino, Manager, Employer branding & leadership development at Stora Enso.

After receiving the video interview replies the hiring managers were invited to review the short listed candidates and select the ones they want to meet in person. Being able to see the candidates on video helped the line managers in their evaluation process significantly.

Overall Recright helped a lot in completing this large recruitment program in a short time and helped us to avoid unnecessary traveling. The candidates were generally positive towards the new tool and made a lot of effort for their video presentations.
