Stay on top of the latest happenings and trends in recruitment
What can we learn from Toyota’s lean method – Muda, Mura, Muri – and apply it to recruitment?
Video interviewing is a relatively new screening method in recruitment, and there are still some myths around it. In this blog post, we’ll debunk them!
There are three different ways to do a recorded video interview, each with its benefits and uses. In this blog post, we’ll go through all these three.
There is always someone who’ll be disappointed with recruitment. But you as a recruiter have the power to change that by enhancing candidate communication.
Yes, candidates need retakes in a video interview. It provides the best possible experience for the candidate and helps them give their best answers.
Hiring for attitude instead of skills is the key for recruiting and retaining motivated top talent. In this blog post, find out how you should go about it!
Drop the CVs and implement video screening instead! Video resumes and interviews help you assess your candidates’ cultural fit and find superstars!
Millennials are certainly different from previous generations, and attracting them requires you invest in, build, and promote your employer brand!
What are the different forms of AI that recruiter needs to know? This article will explain understandable how you can benefit from AI.
Making a compelling company culture video can be very hard, but it doesn’t have to be, if you follow these easy steps!
An employee fitting for a team is a vital part of a well operating company and its inner culture. But how to attract them with videos?
It’s time to realize that the experience, even of unsuccessful candidates, can affect employer brand. Your rejection letter can hurt your brand or save it.